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Introducing the Vensarn Monthly Newsletter

TJ Vensarn's Monthly newsletter will be going live in March. In there you can expect to find promotions, giveaways, announcements, character interviews, exclusive information, special content, and more!You can signup here:


Fantasy & Sci-Fi Bookbub Giveaway

It's time to win the big bucks again! $300 is up for grabs! Follow some amazing Fantasy & Scifi authors on Bookbub for your chance to win!


New Book Announced!

The name of the new series and the title of the first book are now official. The series will be called The Unguilded Legacy Trilogy.

The title of book one will be: Ascendancy Shattered

Ascendancy Shattered - Synopis

For twelve hundred years House Battlegaze has ruled the vast Morzädi Empire with a firm and steady hand. However, when three generations of the Emperor’s descendants suddenly end up dead, the Dwarven dynasty stands on the brink of collapse. The potential fall of House Battlegaze presents an opportunity for one of the other Houses to seize the crown. It is an opening not seen in more than a thousand years and one that could very well lead to civil war in the Dwarven lands.

Meanwhile, deep in the dredges of the empire’s capital, two unsuspecting Dwarves find themselves swept up in the deadly events of Imperial politics and royal scheming. Larali and Valnor learn quickly that some mysteries are too dangerous to solve but even more deadly if left unsolved. If they can find a way to work together, enlist allies, and put aside their clan rivalries and conflicting agendas they might solve the most audacious crime the empire has ever seen. If successful, they could even help avert a civil war. With a small miracle, they might even make it through Dwarven Clan Politics alive

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Sovereign Magi Society Complete

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Artwork by: Nadica Boshkovska
Check out the artist’s gallery online at: Nadica's Gallery